im体育APP can provide professional soil nutrient testing 和 analysis in accredited laboratories to help pinpoint deficiencies 和 enhance soil fertility for profitable yields.

Soil is a significant source of nutrients needed by plants to grow. 氮(N), 磷(P), 和 potassium (K) are the three primary nutrients that are crucial for plant growth. Together with sulfur (S), 钙(Ca), 和 magnesium (Mg), they are required in large quantities because of their structural role in the plant. They are also the ones most often in short supply in soils, therefore the most likely to require replacement in the form of applied fertilizer.

Plants also need small quantities of iron (Fe), 锰(Mn), molybdenum (Mo), 锌(锌), 铜(铜), 硼(B), 氯化(Cl), 和 nickel (Ni). They are known as trace elements, due to the small quantities required. These micronutrients serve a critical role within the plant; however, excessive levels can result in toxic effects.

Soil nutrient testing provides an underst和ing of the nutrients contained in the soil 和 the amount of fertilizer required to meet plant needs to optimize crop yields.

Expert soil nutrient testing 和 analysis laboratories

im体育APP’s soil testing laboratories provide specialized soil nutrient analysis with the highest level of accuracy to detect both macro 和 micronutrient content in the soil. 测试 involves extraction of soil samples into an aqueous solution followed by quantification of nutrients in the solution. Each extraction is designed to represent an accurate measure of nutrients that are bioavailable to the plant.

Our experts can guide you through the interpretation of the soil analysis report 和 soil test data, 和 provide technical guidance 和 advice on the type 和 quantity of nutrients needed to achieve optimal plant growth.

The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP is your specialist partner in all testing 和 analysis matters related to soil. Our breadth of expertise allows us to provide a full suite of 农业environmental soil testing services, covering organic 和 inorganic testing, microbiology 和 toxicity, physical properties of soil, soil preparation 和 data evaluation. 

Our services help to assess l和 capability for various forms of agriculture, identify 和 quantify soil constraints, monitor soil fertility levels, 和 identify reasons for poor plant performance so you can remedy issues before significant revenue loss.

To learn more about soil nutrient 和 our soil testing services, or to speak to one of our experts, im体育APP 今天.

making certain for nearly 190 years

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Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.