Non metallic 材料 include a wide range of composites, 聚合物, 弹性体, 乙烯基, 纺织品, organic and non-organic compounds. 我们的 engaged experts research, publish and work on the latest 材料 and techniques, and bring that knowledge to their clients in the form of customized test programs.

Non metallic 材料 can be 评估d for strength, 灵活性, 乏力, and many of the other physical properties that metals are tested to. Understanding the limits of your material is vital in determining its integrity and useful lifespan. 


Non Metallic 材料测试 Methods

我们的 材料测试 experts cover a broad scope of 材料, including but not limited to: Adhesives, 泡沫, 皮革, 油漆及涂料, 纸产品, Rubber and Elastomers, 纺织品, Vinyl and Rolled Goods. 

We use multiple testing methods to accommodate a wide variety of product types and requirements, 包括:

  • 耐磨测试 
  • Air / Water Permeability
  • 抗化学腐蚀
  • 压缩测试 
  • Dimensional 检查
  • 可燃性测试
  • 弯曲测试
  • 硬度测试
  • Heat Deflection Temperature
  • 影响测试
  • 气味评价
  • 臭氧测试
  • Peel / Adhesion 测试
  • Rheological Analysis
  • 划痕试验
  • Surface Properties 测试
  • 拉伸试验 



我们的 experts can pinpoint characteristics, help you select non metallic 材料, test your samples to various industry standards or your own quality system, and work with you to turn the 材料 into better, 更强的产品.

For more information about our non metallic 材料测试 or to request a quote, 立即im体育APP


ASTM D3039 测试 Considerations

Although it is a popular composite tensile testing method, there are a few considerations that must be made prior to performing ASTM D3039 testing. Read our article to learn more about 5 considerations for ASTM D3039 composite tensile testing. 


Understanding Composite Compression Test Methods

Composite compression testing is crucial for screening new 材料 and maintaining quality control. Discover common test methods and how they compare against each other.


Structural testing of composite components

What are the stages of 复合材料测试? Can I rely on standard tests available, or do I need a test method that is bespoke to my components? 了解更多
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