
石棉 检查 at 核 Power Plant During Decommission




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im体育APP’s UK 石棉 National Account Manager, 罗斯Heeley has almost 20 years of experience in the asbestos industry. Starting his career in 2004 and completing all relevant BOHS P-Modules, Ross has become a highly respected multi-disciplined industry consultant.

The Background - 石棉 in nuclear power plant

Decommissioning aging nuclear power plants is a complex and technically challenging process that takes place over long timeframes, 一般20-30年. 一旦站点去燃料化,i.e. the removal of radioactive uranium fuel rods, the site begins decommissioning and deplanting buildings, 和检索, 处理和处理废物.

石棉已经成为人们关注的焦点. 石棉 inspection is required as many nuclear sites were built between 1940-1970, when asbestos was used in almost every building material. The unique fibrous structure of asbestos offers great fire resistant properties and adds to tensile strength when mixed with cement and other products. It is this unique fibrous structure that is hugely damaging to human health and still causes illness and deaths.


规模和复杂性, coupled with the unique design of nuclear power stations makes for a difficult environment to carry out asbestos inspection work. Current UK guidance and mandatory legislation (Control of 石棉 Regulations, 2012) is not designed for these environments, yet the sites must remain fully compliant.

这些建筑很高, with vast internal spaces and often in dilapidated and decaying states of repair, requiring bespoke scaffold access solutions, health controls and checks when entering contaminated areas. Deploying qualified asbestos consultants into this type of work space requires careful training and supervision for 有害物质.


完美的计划是必要的, particularly because our operations were resource heavy (in terms of workforce) and in addition, we had to ensure that teams were fully vetted, which was much more time consuming on a site still containing fuel.

A collaborative and well-planned approach was critical for this large-scale project, as many challenges were identified; such as the sheer size of the enclosures (routinely around 15m-30m). im体育APP had to train and engage specialist rope access teams as the project progressed to ensure that all areas could be inspected. Inspecting areas by rope was only to be done by those with training and experience. Cathedral sized enclosures tested the analysts abilities to take a strategic approach to ensure areas were inspected in line with the guidance and regulations.

This type of project could only work successfully with a collaborative approach from both client and consultant. Building strong working relationships is what we do best and between ourselves and the client, we took well considered approaches with safety as the highest priority to overcome the challenges that this site posed for removal contractors and analysts.

获得, 处理和管理数据, we utilized digital technology with the implementation of bespoke software solutions that allowed electronic data capture and the creation of a digital 石棉管理 工具. Use of drone technology was also explored to visually see areas of contamination, 通常无法访问.


The im体育APP team was the eyes and ears for the customer due to the nature of our work. We were entering areas which have far less footfall than in the days of power production, which meant that we would routinely feedback potential safety issues caused by plant degradation to ensure that the site remained safe for all.



最重要的是, the outcome is trust – im体育APP can be trusted to deliver a high quality, safe and innovative solution to complex, 技术要求高的工作.

For more information on how we can help you with your asbestos inspection requirements using our trusted 石棉检测 请 contact us or request a quote today.

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